
  • Andersson Bell began from a Creative Director,who got an inspiration from contrasting two different cultures of Korea and Scandinavian.Andersson Bell was launched by reinterpreting Scandinavian vibes to create new objects from a point of Korean’s view.
  • Inspired by the 90's mood and cultural sensibilities, aims to be a brand that provides new experiences out of the box with witty freshness in familiar everyday life. We share various cultural and artistic sensibilities with those who love MARGESHERWOOD.
  • OSOI means 'relaxing' and 'not rushing'. It has the meaning of wanting to "go at our own pace even if we go a little slow" with the brand's identity. It’s not conservative, but not overly sensitive to trends. It's original, but it's not that unique. Deployed all over the world.
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BLASEOUT is an on/offline retail channel managed by ABSOLUTE Inc., not only covering a range of well-known worldwide labels, apparel and lifestyle items, but also other subculture-based independent brands.